Makita Track Saw - One Year Review

I’ve had my Makita 36v Cordless Track-saw for over a year. Do I regret not buying the Festool TSC55 instead?

Why a Track Saw

If I were starting over from scratch a track-saw would be one of my first tool purchases as a furniture and cabinet maker. So yes, I regret not buying one sooner.

All the ways I use my tracksaw

  1. Breaking down plywood - compared to even my 3hp cabinet table saw the tracksaw is faster, safer, more accurate, produces cleaner cuts, and it’s easier on my body to push a 10lb saw through a sheet than wrestle and control an 80lb sheet of 3/4 ply.

  2. Edge Jointing - I’ve been woodworking professional for 5 years and I still to this day do not own a jointer. WHAAA!? I have a sled I build for my table saw or I use my tracksaw. I can edge-joint 2” thick hardwood slabs and get a perfect glue up.

  3. Milling Rough Sawn Lumber - I love working with live edge slabs. But a 22” wide slab of 6/4 Walnut that’s 8ft long is a bear to manhandle. So I use my tracksaw to get it to a size that will fit in my 13” planer.

Why did I choose the Makita


The Makita track saw had great reviews, people loved it, and it was significantly cheaper than the Festool TSC55 (Cordless) and even the Festool TS55.

I’m not one to cheap out on tools, but if there’s a high quality tool that’s at a better price and gives the same in result I’m not going to spend more just on a name if that name doesn’t give me higher quality, better features, and better results. Sometimes Festool does that, their sanders are amazing.

I bought a promotional kit for $499 which included the XPS01PTJ Cordless Plunge Cut Tracksaw, Four 5.0amp hour batteries, Dual Battery Charger, and 2 systainers. Plus sometimes you can find this kit with a free 39” track. I added a 55” track, a 118” track, and the insta-rail square and had a full tracksaw set up for just over $1,000 after tax.

You may think “Wow, $1,000 for a circular saw” but you’d be wrong. I put a good tracksaw setup on par with a good cabinet table saw ($1500+). In fact, I will tell you that if you have a good jobsite table saw get a tracksaw before buying your dream table saw.

Makita vs Festool Track Saw Value

So for $1000 I was able to get a full tracksaw set up. I haven’t needed any additional fixtures. At the time The Festool TSC55 Kit only came with 2 batteries any was over $900 for just the saw and 2 batteries. Festool has dropped their price on their track saw. But here’s the 2020 numbers.

Makita 36v Set Up (2020 from Tool Nut)

  • $499 Makita XPS01PTJ Cordless Brushless 36V LXT 6-1/2" Track Saw 5AH Kit w/39” Track

  • $225 Makita 118” Guide Rail

  • $86.99 Makita 55” Guide Rail

  • $149 Insta-Rail Square

Makita Total (Pre-Tax with 4 batteries) $984.98

Festool TSC Set Up (2020 from Tool Nut)

  • $799 Festool 576817 TSC 55 Cordless AirStream Bluetooth 5.2Ah Track Saw w/ 55" Track

  • $385 Festool 118” Guide Rail

  • $110 Festool 42” Guide Rail (Closest Match to the 39” Makita Rail)

  • $149 Insta-Rail Square

Festool Total (pretax with only 2 batteries) $1,443

The same cordless track saw set up with Makita saves you $458.02

What about the DeWalt, Bosch, and other brands of tracksaws?

What about them…

Truth is I don’t know. I haven’t ever put my hands on them. A huge part of my decision is I wanted compatibility with the festool system. Makita and Festool Track are 100% compatible with all the aftermarket accessories.

Do I REGRET buying the Makita instead of the Festool?

Not one bit. I’ve used both, both are great tools. The Festool does have a few more refinements than the Makita. Mostly in the adjustments. The Festool does have a riving knife, which I don’t see as lack of one on the makita being a negative.

The cut quality on both saws in phenomenal. My cuts are buttery-smooth without tear out. It’s powerful, it’s easy to use, it’s accurate, and it’s quality.

So if you’re looking for a Track Saw set up I can 100% recommend the Makita.

Robert Dailey

I build custom furniture and cabinetry to help you make your home both beautiful and functional.

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